IMPULSE is TC Electronic's first IR Loader. As always, TC Electronics aim to give you guitar tools that support your playing rather than a degree in tech manuals. In short, itÂ’s a Cab Sim and IR Loader, and just like they made tuning a breeze with POLYTUNE and looping simple with DITTO LOOPER, IMPULSE IR LOADER will make the complexity of working with impulse response files disappear. Simply drag and drop your IRs over USB or use the dedicated IR organizer for PC and Mac, then IMPULSE IR LOADER will take care of the rest and make you sound like the best.
Sku: IMPULSEIRLOADERTC Helicon IMPULSEIRLOADER Cab Sim and IR Loader with 20 built in cab models, 80 IR Slots and Simple Controls
AED 655.20 Exc VATHas your guitar signal gotten a bit overcrowded due to noisy electrical wiring or Radio Frequency Interference (RFI)? IRON CURTAIN NOISE GATE is the no-nonsense way to banish your sound gremlins with its simple and intuitive 2-knob operation. Thanks to an all-analog design that features only the highest-quality components, and a zero-tolerance policy for unwanted noise – only the purest signal gets past the IRON CURTAIN!
Sku: IRON CURTAIN NOISE GATETC Helicon IRON CURTAIN NOISE GATE Ultra Fast and Efficient Noise Gate
AED 218.40 Exc VATLEVEL PILOT is a stylish, high-resolution volume solution that fits into any active speaker setup quickly and easily and with a minimum of clutter and wires. This results in convenient and high-precision control over your levels where you would ideally want it: right at your fingertips.
Sku: LEVEL PILOTTC Helicon LEVELPILOT Volume Control Knob for Studio Monitors
AED 403.20 Exc VATIf youÂ’ve ever needed a Classic Analog High Gain Distortion Pedal but been unable to find one with enough versatility to suit any scenario, the MAGUS PRO will be a very welcome surprise for you. Its slow slew rate, treble filter control and three different modes of operation provide more than enough variance in approach and tone to compliment any playing style.
Sku: MAGUS PROTC Helicon MAGUSPRO Analog, High Gain Distortion Pedal
AED 319.20 Exc VATMIMIQ DOUBLER ushers in a new era for live guitar doubling. By harnessing every ounce of power from our new proprietary doubler algorithm, MIMIQ manages to distill the magic and uniqueness of actual studio-grade double tracking into a compact pedal. Just stomp it and hear your rockinÂ’ riffs gain epic leviathan-like strength, and your lead-lines stand out with unprecedented grandeur, as if played by up to four guitarists at once. When it comes to MIMIQ, more is definitely more!
AED 504.00 Exc VATDesigning MOJOMOJO OVERDRIVE was both very simple and very complex. We knew what we wanted from the start: A pedal that sounds like an amp, with a very open character and little compression allowing even the most subtle of your playing to shine through. We basically set out to capture lightning in a bottle with a clarity that even allowed for complex chords to stand out – did we succeed? Well, plug it in, play one lick, look us in the eye and try to tell us we didn’t!
Sku: MO JO MO JO OVERDRIVETC Helicon MOJOMOJOOVERDRIVE Stompbox Overdrive with Voicing Switch
AED 268.80 Exc VATWeÂ’re very excited to have collaborated with the mighty Paul Gilbert on a specially modified edition of the MOJOMOJO OVERDRIVE pedal. If youÂ’re looking for a huge overdrive sound, you better ally with Mr. Big himself to have the fundamental tone dialed in just right! Sporting a couple of tweaks to the circuit and a stylish new purple Jacket, MOJOMOJO PAUL GILBERT EDITION is like the perfect chicken tender, combining juicy and crunchy in the most delicious way possible!
AED 369.60 Exc VATAdd a heavy dose of thickness to your guitar’s tone with the vintage sounding NETHER OCTAVER, and unleash a gnarly pitch-o-rama that will devastate your would-be rivals. Use it to subtly fatten up your sound, or dial up extreme settings for a powerful barrage of all-out synth tones. And if the mood strikes you, pull out that purple satin suit hiding in the back of your closet, and play the “When Doves Cry” solo until your fingers bleed!
AED 285.60 Exc VATIf you’re serious about singing, you’ll find that sounding your best is about more than talent or vocal technique. It’s about taking what is unique about your voice and using the right tools to make it stand out – whether you’re live at a venue, a radio session, recording at home, or uploading to YouTube, SoundCloud, Facebook, Instagram, or any of your other favorite social channels.
Sku: PERFORMVTC Helicon PERFORMV Mic-Stand Mount Vocal Processor
AED 924.00 Exc VATAs soon as you unbox Plethora youÂ’ve got a whole bunch of tasty premade boards ready to go. No fuss. If you have a specific idea about what you need, take it one step further and choose which pedals go where on your board. Or go all-in and get your hands dirty with our proprietary TonePrint technology, letting you customize each pedal in-depth for a truly unique setup! You decide how far you want to go.
Sku: PLETHORAX5TC Helicon PLETHORAX5 Pedal Board, TonePrint with 5 MASH foot switches
AED 2,889.60 Exc VATTC Electronic's PolyTune 2 pedal pushes the envelope for pedalboard-ready tuners, providing you with a faster and more accurate way to tune your guitar or bass. The way it works is refreshingly simple. You just strum your guitar, and PolyTune 2 shows you how far out of tune each string is, allowing you to tune them all to within +/- 1 cent. When you're ready to hone in on individual strings, PolyTune 2 lets you choose either a traditional chromatic mode or a hyper-precise strobe mode. And thanks to its super-bright, auto-dimming display, you can use the TC Electronic PolyTune 2 pedal in any environment.
Sku: POLYTUNE2TC Helicon POLYTUNE2 Tuner Poly Chromatic
AED 436.80 Exc VATStaying in tune is without any doubt the most important thing in music, but that doesnÂ’t mean that a tuner should take up valuable space on your pedalboard. With POLYTUNE 2 MINI you donÂ’t just get a small tuner, you get the SMALLEST polyphonic tuner in the world! So besides getting a super fast and precise tuner, you also get room for more gear. POLYTUNE 2 MINI just keeps on giving.
Sku: POLYTUNE2MINITC Helicon POLYTUNE2MINI Tuner Poly Chromatic Mini
AED 252.00 Exc VATPOLYTUNE CLIP is designed to be your trusty tuning companion, whether you're going for a quick onstage tune-up or an ultra-precise setup of your instrument. POLYTUNE CLIP sports three distinct tuning modes ranging from the game-changing polyphonic tuning mode that lets you tune all 6 strings at once, to your trusty chromatic tuner and all the way to an ultra-precise strobe tuner mode, which offers +/-0.02 cents of tuning precision. No matter what method you choose to use, the tuning trinity of POLYTUNE CLIP will always guide you to pitch perfection.
Sku: POLYTUNECLIPTC Helicon POLYTUNECLIP Polyphonic Clip-On Tuner
AED 201.60 Exc VATSKYSURFER MINI REVERB brings you a premium – yet affordable, reverb solution armed with 3 studio-grade algorithms created by TC Electronic and housed in a compact, rugged metal box. Skim effortlessly across a deep-blue, churning ocean; swim in a cavernous grotto; or soar through the ambient spray of the surf.
AED 218.40 Exc VATThanks to three awesome onboard, studio-grade reverb algorithms, the ultra-tasty SKYSURFER REVERB is the premium – yet affordable answer to your reverb dreams and prayers. With SKYSURFER REVERB: you can skim effortlessly across a deep-green, churning ocean; swim in a cavernous grotto; or soar through the ambient spray of the surf. Put simply, SKYSURFER REVERB is your one-way ticket to the perfect wave!
AED 218.40 Exc VATWith a full 20 dB of boost, SPARK MINI BOOSTER is a great clean booster. But that’s not all it does – keep turning that knob and it’ll start working its magic driving gear into peak performance! No matter what your style or set-up, this musical miracle will maximize your potential – but let your core tone shine through completely unaltered.
AED 268.80 Exc VATTC2290 is a groundbreaking, versatile delay plugin with full DAW integration and powerful signature presets that will fuel your inspiration and add instant character to your tracks. Capable of conjuring up virtually any conceivable delay type, TC2290 makes it easy to vitalize your tracks with everything from crisp repeats, to complex delay rhythms and ultra-expressive modulated soundscapes. TC2290Â’s authentic tone recreations gives you total creative control of your delay, allowing you to explore and experiment to your heartÂ’s content. With its superior sound quality and extremely musical response, TC2290 is like adding another musical instrument to the mix!
Sku: TC2290DTTC Helicon TC2290DT Dynamic Digital Delay
AED 898.80 Exc VATA prophecy once foretold of a highly-affordable, studio-quality delay pedal that could give musicians all the pristine digital delay tones they would ever want, from short reverberating slapbacks to long, stretchy beds of ambience and everything in-between. Well, thanks to the advent of THE PROPHET DIGITAL DELAY – that prophecy has finally been fulfilled!
AED 218.40 Exc VATVoiceLive 3 gives you a mind-blowing vocal effects path more comprehensive than anything created before. It features 11 independent effects blocks, over 180 different styles, and more than 250 factory presets available right out of the box (and more through free downloads).
Sku: VOICELIVE3TC Helicon VOICELIVE3 Vocal & Guitar Effects Flr Pedal
AED 2,562.00 Exc VATProducers spend more time on perfecting vocals than any other instrument; the number of layered vocal tracks on a studio recording often run well into the double-digits. VOICELIVE PLAY makes this studio magic available to every singer - everywhere.
Sku: VOICELIVEPLAYTC Helicon VOICELIVEPLAY Stompbox Vocal FX & Harmonies 200+ Song & Artist Inspired Preset
AED 1,058.40 Exc VATWhy settle for someone elseÂ’s idea of a monitor mix when you can easily create your own? Just place VOICESOLO FX150 where it counts most for you: on a mic stand, as a wedge monitor, high on a PA stand or even on a desktop. Then, experience its full range speaker, editable effects and professional vocal tone. Now you have more you.
Sku: VOICESOLOFX150TC Helicon VOICESOLOFX150 Personal PA, Vocal Monitor, Instrument Amplifier & Vocal reverb
AED 1,344.00 Exc VATZEUS DRIVE has arrived direct from the heavens. With its highly sought-after overdrive boost circuit, this golden chalice among overdrive pedals has a luxurious warm tone and quite an astonishing dynamic response, injecting the nectar of the Gods directly into your guitar sound.
AED 319.20 Exc VAT- The TC Helicon VoiceLive 3 Extreme is the perfect solution. With four times the memory of its predecessor, it offers groundbreaking effects automation features, USB import and export of loops, and backing track storage. Plus, it's powered by TC Electronic's TonePrint family and has 250+ factory preset settings. What more could you ask for?
TC-Helicon VoiceLive 3 Extreme Guitar and Vocal Effects
AED 2,880.00 Exc VAT